I should be working right now, but we just found this shot of Mr. Licky from our trip last December. For the last 3 years, we have take a little weekend break at the beginning of December. Last year, we went to Barcelona where we stayed with Kathleen and Dave. As we prepare for next weekend's trip in Carlisle, England, we found our shots from last year.
Barcelona - who needs Gaudi's architecture when you have models as photogenic as Mr. Licky.
Objective Update:
If you read yesterday's post, it was all about a video for my aunt. Welll in typical last minute lisa style, we did it. We didn't leave the house until about 2pm which gave us very little time before the sunset. It a whirlwind London tour where we had to literally RUUUUUUUUN after the light. It kept getting darker and darker and then to top it off the battery in our video camera started to run out - sheesh! But we did it, as soon as J uploads it to utube, i'll put a link here.
This week's objectives
I have lots of work objectives but that isn't the point is it. Then I would have to say I would like to buy at least 2 of my Christmas gifts. We have a good idea for all the twerps. If we decide to go with it, I'll be able to knock of 6 just like that