These bottles were by Akiko Hirai. She shared a studio with another woman (Covadonga Hornero Garcia) who also did work in porcelain - it was very fragile, web-like surfaces. I don't have any images of her web dishes, but she had some fantastic vases and lights. Here is a vase that I particularly liked.
Most of the work was of a commercial nature - beautiful but buyable. However, we were treated to an installation by a woman named Caroline Lambard My pictures do not do it justice. Here is a small snippit of it and the 2nd photo shows J is posing for scale.
Here are a few pieces which work better in person -- should have shot a video...
Now for the nuns ....

I hope you can feel the motion and hear the crackly music of old 45s. I think this one was called Domenique. Jonathan of course was thrilled to hear the first one in this series used a reproduction player that had a usb port that you could use to digitize music. I hear a purchase coming on.

The rest of the evening looked like this ... (can you guess the locations, the events, the experience?)
There was so much that we saw that it is unfair that I didn't capture them all here, but you need to go yourself. However, i will feature the one purchase that J made (i made one too, but it is a little gifty for someone so can't say much). J of course bought something for our walls -- which we have very few. Here it is. The strangest thing is that J bought me a skirt about 5 years ago from these guys in Toronto. Do you remember my RUDE skirt? These guys are called
The rest of the evening looked like this ... (can you guess the locations, the events, the experience?)