In my mind, you are not dressed unless you are wearing at least one accessory and it should be stand-out, memorable and preferably a conversation starter. Well how do you think your ________ feels? You know your __________. There it is all naked and boring without one accessory. That's just cruel.
Well, I have the answer for accessorizing your _____________. It's a sticker or better than that it is a collection of stickers. Imagine it. The creativity, the comments, the conversation -- all due to some stickers.
Here's the easy answer on getting some really cool stickers. It's a full book of stickers designed by
90 different designers from around the MOO world. Check them all
out and now your ________________ (fill in the blank -
mobile phone,
oyster card etc.) will be dressed. Here is a Ready Made pack of 90 stickers.
Go check them out:
Otherwise, make up your own pack choosing from other
designers or use your own
pics/designs. Go Crazy, but don't go naked.