Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fascinators Revisited

I promised to expose the outcome of the Fascinator tale. So, here goes:

Wedding Day Minus 1 Day:
Joy from work who is incredibly creative and crafty brought in her glue and creative expertise to help work on the burgundy fascinator. Our goal was to add in some of the other feathers to see if we could get the fascinator to match the dress and shawl.

So, just after Friday lunch, Joy pulls out her goodies. It was amazing to see the wonders she just had lying around. She is definitely a creative diva. She slowly plotted where to insert the gray feathers. Denise, our other creative guru, added in her expertise. I realized I couldn't be in any better hands. Thank Goddess!

A good hour later, Joy was done. My fascinator looked perfect and she even suggested making a little carrying case for it out of a whiskey bottle container. Did I say crafting genious? Sadly, it was a little early for empty whisky bottle cases. In any case, I was set with less than 24 hours to go. YAY!

Wedding minus 6 hours:
I woke up and looked at my beautifully enhanced fascinator and then put it next to my dress and shawl. OH NO! It still wasn't quite working. On its own, it was wonderful, but together it just didn't match. Still too brown and too burgundy. What was I to do?

Wedding minus 3 hours:
I decided it was worth a wonder around Harrogate. It looked like a town that was used to a lot of weddings. I deduced: there must be a shop with the latest in fascinators. Sure enough there were a lot of shops on the high street with a focus on hats, but nothing that really worked. Then I stumbled across Julie Fitzmaurice a shop that knows their fascinators.
I found one I LOVED. I breathed deeply and asked the very helpful sales woman the price. Shit! I give up. I guess if I was going to be co-ordinated at this wedding I was going to have to pay for it.

Then I heard the voice of Gina's friend who told me "never buy a fascinator without the dress". Given the fact I had got in to this mess in the first place by doing that, I rushed back to the inn to grab my dress and shawl.

I guess the pink bag gives it away that I took the plunge and bought my final fascinator 2.5 hours before the wedding was scheduled to begin. Wow, I cut it close.

So, I must thank everyone involved in the fascinator fiasco - Tanya (who helped pick one out in the first place), Joy and Denise (who enhanced the one I had) and finally the sales lady at Julie Fitzmaurice who helped me find the one I actually wore. I think it worked out in the end.

What you want to see it? Well, I don't have a photo which shows the entire outfit together with the pink shawl.... silly me. You would think I would get a photo of the whole ensemble given the challenges. Oh well, it wasn't about me. Rather, the bride who was gorgeous!!!!! Here are the few shots I have but alas no shawl in these pics.

No More Tears in 2008

I won't be crying in public for at least another year. Yes, that's right - Wedding season is over for 2008.

We definitely had a good year for weddings. All in all, J and I were invited to six weddings in 5 different countries. We manged to attend five of the weddings which meant a year of amazing trips and side-trips (not to mention huge expense). So, to recap:
  1. Pete and Laura (English and Italian): February 29th, St. Albans, UK. This was definitely a date we can't forget. The wedding celebration took place in a beautiful spot outside London (pic to right was taken close to the venue). The wedding also allowed me to catch up with old Yahoo! friend - Greg G. Then the topper of the evening was the chance siting/meeting of Paul Weller of Style Council fame staying at our hotel. How cool was that for a girl stuck in the 80s?

  2. Xiao Dan and Marco (Chinese & Swiss): May in Bejing, China. As there were two ceremonies, I'm not sure if I should count this as wedding 2 or wedding 2 and 3. In retrospect, I felt like Xiao Dan's wedding was a rehearsal for the Bejing Olympics Opening Ceremony. We were treated to acrobats, opera singers, musicians, drummers and dragons. Lots of fun and an incredibly memorable holiday.

    Opera Singer

  3. Tania & Marcel: (American-Canadian & Dutch-Canadian); Toronto, Canada. Whoohoo! What a partee! This wedding definitely reflected the bride's sensibility. We started on Toronto Island in a beautiful little wooden church (felt like our many canoe trips together) and ended in the stylish Distillery District. Loads of great drinks, food and dancing involved here. Great to catch up with old friends including Jim, Sian and Rian to name a few.
  4. Island Church

  5. Gina and Kenvor: (English);Harrogate, England. Think Four Weddings & a Funeral. Can you picture it? That was this wedding. It was so perfectly English. I even got to wear a fascinator (more on that here). J was busy filming the event (we won't expect a DVD for a while as he still needs to finish Tania & Matt's 2007 wedding).

    The evening ended with crazed dancing to "500 miles" square dance style with whomever I could grab. It's good to know there are consistencies across every wedding you attend. We spent an extra few days in Yorkshire, where we hiked the nearby cow-country
    (our pics).

  6. Chris and Margaret (Gosia): (Canadian & Polish) Krakov, Poland. As Chris said in his speech no one at this wedding was from Krakov. Everyone (over 80 people) traveled to this fantastically beautiful locale. J, Daryl & I all arrived via night train from Prague and were deposited in the city centre without coffee at 6AM (that will have to be a story told in person). Luckily, the arrival was the most stressful part of this wedding trip.

    The remaining 5 days in Krakov were relaxed and incredibly social. Days & nights were filled with catching up with old Uni-friends, meeting new friends (from Sweden, Crotia, Poland, Norway & England) and numerous shots of Polish vodka. This wedding took the cake for most historically significant church of all the weddings we attended this year - St. Peter & St. Paul church of Krakov. I think my own claim to fame at this wedding was the fact that J and I were the last ones at the reception which meant we arrived back at our hotel just as the sun was coming up. What fun to act like I was in university again.
Thankfully, not everyone has the same approach to getting married as J and I, otherwise I would never get to visit such amazing places. Thanks to everyone for deciding to keep the tradition of marriage alive. (here is a quick peek of all the weddings I've been too in the last few years).

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fascinators? Handbags? The Festival?

Well... actually still not. I know I owe 3 posts that answer those questions above. I do have them queued up (in my mind at least), but have not made the time to tap them on to the keyboard. However, I thought I would share a bit of my man's recent endeavours and as there is a loose connection to the Big Chill festival - it kind of works.

Over the last few months, J has been working with a friend of ours on a video for his music. Before meeting Martin I had never heard of dubstep, but that doesn't mean anything as a girl who could listen to Cats, Avenue Q and Les Mis back to back - all day every day. In any case, J and Martin collaborated on this video.

What's the festival connection you ask? Ain't it clear? Well, in fact we went to the Big Chill (pics here) was to listen/see Blackdown (that's Martin).

Anyway, without further ado - here it is. Suffice it to say this was a big part of J's life (and by extension mine) for the last few months. So WATCH IT!

Keysound Video presents... Dusk + Blackdown: Margins Music from Keysoundrecordings on Vimeo.