Sadly, the burly security guy looked at me with absolute horror when I told him I didn't have a ticket. He basically laughed in my face reinforcing his power. Dejected and embarrassed, I slinked away.
There I was in the other side of town locked out of the fashion heaven that the London Fashion Week Sale can be. I had to drown my shopping sorrows somehow. So, I thought I would do something I never ever do... go down to Harvey Nicks and see if there was something on sale. Thank goodness that didn't happen.
Instead, I got sucked in to good old Zara on the way to Harvey Nicks. I must admit Zara is amazing for cheap but fashionable finds (I felt like Erin as I walked around snatching up items to try on in the fitting rooms). I had her voice in my head the whole time - "don't buy something that doesn't fit, you'll never get it altered"
I ended up buying about 5 things. Here are a few I found:
1. Silky Top - with 60s design
First off, I was thinking about an upcoming wedding (evening one) and wondering what I might be able to wear with my raw silk black tulip skirt purchased for a Yahoo! Christmas party 2 years before. So, I gravitated to a number of silky shirts. I'm not sure this shirt really works with the skirt ... but I like the bold design and bought it.
I also love the easy construction of this top which I plan to knock off if I ever get my sewing machine out again. It is so simple to make it is ludicrous they can charge any money for this thing. While my top wasn't on sale, I thought it was a good deal for London - £29.00 (ok i'm still having rotation issues on blogger - please help!)
Orange Shorty Swing Coat
Here is the next incredibly cheap deal. I bought this little jacket - ORANGE - on sale for £12.95. For those of you not hip to the exchange rates to US$ ... that is about $25.00 Whoohoo! I felt like Erin (my shopping fiend friend). Now she would also point out to me that I look terrible in Orange which was in fact reinforced as J told me that perhaps I should wear a bit of make-up with it :), but hey, I'm addicted to orange. What do you think? Good buy? Or bad purchase?
- Gray Silk Dress (perfect for all my upcoming weddings) It has empire waist and feels a little deconstructed but need to show it to you for your advice- required some kick-ass, high heeled shoes... really high
- Gray leather handbag - every day big leather bag, rectangular in shape with short shoulder straps (not so cheap £89), but my laptop can fit in it if i need to get everything in one bag for carry-ons
- Burgundy jersey long-sleeved top - cheap £6 (i'll need to throw out the one i have that has bleach marks on it which means i can only wear it with a vest)
- REALLY pink, v-necked cotton sweater - cheap £9.99 (perfect to go under my orla kieley vest with pink around one shoulder)
In fact, I came home to an amazing meal prepared by J and then we went around the corner to an evening of jazz at the Vortex with Gilad Atzmon (highly recommend ... in fact we bought a CD for Paulie -lucky Paulie)
First of all, good for you for not buying things that don't fit! I have not lived in vain.
Second, please do not use your new bag for laptop carrying unless you are having a RyanAir-style carry-on emergency-- leather bag handles and laptops do not mix.
Third, we need also to see the skirt in order to determine whether the top goes with it. I suspect that the shapes of the two items might compete in an aesthetically unpleasant way. Could you tuck the shirt into the skirt and wear that wide patent belt you got with me last year?
Finally, England is wearing off on you-- your prose is truly UK-ish! :)
I miss you and wish I could have shopped with you.
woo- SCORES!
i love the orange coat and i think it will look perfectly fine! everyone else is wrong.
and the gray dress sounds great. i love the top but dont know about the skirt- have to see it. i always feel like i can t match a silky top with an opposing silky bottom- did you say raw silk? of course all i ever do is add a jean skirt and thats no good for a wedding.
what do i know?
when are you coming home? enough of this having fun.
i think the orange coat was defo a good buy. colours on the outside eg. as in am orange coat are fab as nearly everyone else wears boring black coats eg. me.
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