Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fascinators? Handbags? The Festival?

Well... actually still not. I know I owe 3 posts that answer those questions above. I do have them queued up (in my mind at least), but have not made the time to tap them on to the keyboard. However, I thought I would share a bit of my man's recent endeavours and as there is a loose connection to the Big Chill festival - it kind of works.

Over the last few months, J has been working with a friend of ours on a video for his music. Before meeting Martin I had never heard of dubstep, but that doesn't mean anything as a girl who could listen to Cats, Avenue Q and Les Mis back to back - all day every day. In any case, J and Martin collaborated on this video.

What's the festival connection you ask? Ain't it clear? Well, in fact we went to the Big Chill (pics here) was to listen/see Blackdown (that's Martin).

Anyway, without further ado - here it is. Suffice it to say this was a big part of J's life (and by extension mine) for the last few months. So WATCH IT!

Keysound Video presents... Dusk + Blackdown: Margins Music from Keysoundrecordings on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Well done, J! Great lighting-- just gorgeous. And I loved the way the beat of the music is highlighted by that "zoom" feature. Very cool!